N2G Generator

What N2G Generator does: 

  • Safely eliminates fire
  • Provides a timely, safe discharge
  • Guarantees safe performance
  • 100 % non-life threatening O2 levels

Generator Benefits

  • Equiped with a complex filter unit, discharges pure N2
  • Long shelf-life, no leaking threat, negligible inspection requirements
  • No clean-up of the precious goods or hardware after discharge
  • No damage to precious goods or hardware 
  • No downtime of electrical current supply and ICT services provided
  • Clear, unobtrusive discharge facilitates ease of evacuation
  • No corrosive, acidic or toxic by-products from extinguishant decomposition
  • Extremely easy and fast to replace after discharge
  • Comparatively easy to monitor
  • Minimal maintenance and life-cycle costs
  • Can be equipped as stand-alone independent unit for fire detection and clean fire suppression with own fire/smoke/temperature sensors
  • Time-proven solutions, like the use of standard fire/smoke/temperature detection units and car airbag initiator devices
  • Compact system installation footprint that accommodates existing room, compartment structures and equipment as an ideal retrofit
  • Minimum installation, retrofit, maintenance time and costs, as a turn-key extinguishing solution for existing structures and applications
  • Any space/building can be retrofitted using the same fire detection sensors and releasing panel already installed – no pipework and/or additional electrical work needed